Montag, 28. September 2009

3. Rehearsals

Today we started the rehershals with the work with our instruments , which was about achieving an action of passion and see the beauty of failure in that.

The idea of using an instrument for showing the close relation of failure and beauty was the thought of the beauty when kids start learning an instruments and their parents adoring every wrong note. They see the beauty in their failing cause they see the passion and of course cause they love their kid.

As planned I gave them a music piece to play.

In Version 1, I gave all of them the same music piece.

I wanted everybody to start from the same starting point, but since they all had different states, in playing their instruments I had to treat them differently.

Mirjam got 5 min. time to practice the piece. Since she has experiences in playing the piano but not the music piece yet.

Sarah didn´t get anytime before, since she is an excellent chello player and since new the music piece allready.

Mareike got a little basic course in how to play the guitar, since she haven´t played it before.And than she got four chords she had to play. So she had the hardest time.

I wanted to not preduce the failure.For that I had to give everybody the chance to get good in the music piece, otherwise the failure would have been fake.The more they practice the more they put themselves into it and the more their failure became honest.

This is what came out of it:

After the first try I noticed that Mareikes situation was the most produced/ fake, since it was clear from the beginning on that she will fail, cause she never played the guitar before.
So we didn´t really had clear conditions of showing real failure.

Also a result of that first try is, that it has to be a much harder music piece and more time for excersing the piece for each of them.

In version 2, I gave each of them a different music piece according to their level in playing their instrument. Cause I wanted to achieve a more fair level where everybody has a perspective to be good in it.

That is what came out of it:

Well, the result of the second version is clearly that it doesn´t work so well.
Since the sound was so bad and wrong anyways cause of the different non matching music pieces, the failure of the individuum didn´t show. Which was the initial thought.

After the second try I decided that for the good of having more equal conditions for everyone I want Mareike to play an instrument in which see has more experience or which she things she could learn in a few weeks.
We decided on the cachon. (drums)

After the instrumental part I asked everybody to answer two questions, which asked about their feelings while failing.


1. What does it mean for you to faile and how did it feel?

2. How does it feel like, to reach for the perfect state or result?


Conclusions of the answers the three dancers gave:


  • it feels like beeing exposed
  • loosing my own face
  • becoming honest
  • becoming human
  • hatred
  • empty
  • angry with themselves
  • trying to give reasons of failure, explanations
  • unsatisfaction
  • figure out the reason of failure and try to go notional through the correct accomplishment of the action they failed in
  • naked and unsecure
  • giving up


  • pressure
  • like in a cage, captured, caught
  • not free
  • it can never be achieved
  • serving something which is not worthy the whole attention
  • good cause it gives a goal
  • makes alive
  • the perfection for me is more to accept the unperfection in me and life itself

For the next rehershals I gave everybody the same music piece, which was new and harder to each of them and the task to practice that piece a lot till next time we´ll meet. I want them to put lots of effort in it and really try to get good.
But they just have a week and the music piece is freaking hard:-)
But still all of them had the chance of beeing able to play the piece well, which was important to me. I didn´t wanted them to have the feeling from beginning on that they will fail eventually

In the next rehershals I will record each of them with a proffessional recorder. Just to have a better idea of how it sounds and if it ends up to be useful.
I could imagine to use that music piece in which failure would be thematized for a dancing part in that piece.

I also came to the conclusion that it is really hard to actually produce honest failure. Cause of the fact that you can´t produce honest passion. I am sure everybody can fail in something without having any passion for that thing. Failing in something we don´t liked doing anyways is not the hard part of failure, but the failure in a thing we´re passionated in is what I am interested in. The failure which is breaking all of peoples security, boast and ego.

The third rehearsal was pretty helpfull for the idea of how to continue.

Meanwhile I was working choreographically on to dance sequences.

  1. the failure sequence
  2. the borring "perfect" sequence

I decided on having a sequence which is so hard that they end up failing in the demonstration.

It will be a piece which is technically hard and not rehershed till the final achievment.

Another opportunity I was thinking of how to make them fail on stage, is to let them learn a sequence which is written out on a piece of paper and which they have to learn by heart but not dance it out until they get on stag for the first time.

With the second sequence I wanted to demonstrate the boredom of the nice, up, non risky, "perfect" dance. Though I don´t know if I this is necessary to carry the piece where I want it to go. I think I could also achieve that message differently.

So the shedule for next rehershals will also include the teaching of the "failure sequence".

Dienstag, 22. September 2009

2. rehearsals

In my second rehearsals I asked the dancers to think about an action which they feel passionated about but in which they are not pretty good yet. Means in which they know they would fail to be proffessional in.

By coincidence each of them choosed an instrument they passional would like to be able to play.

Mareike choosed the guitar.
Mirjam choosed the piano.
Sarah choosed the chello.

Mirjam and Sarah though have allready an advanced knowledge about their instruments, but they know they always fail in challenging music pieces.

I asked each of them to bring their instrument for the next rehearsals.
My plan is to give them a music piece choosen by me (which they don´t know yet).They will get 10 min. each to practice and than play the piece all together.
With the exception that Mareike gets a little instruction on how to play the guitar ( to make it fair or more even).

I decided to record that music piece to have an idea of how it sounds to fail.
The idea I got, since they all choosed an instrument, that I like to more create a field of failure, which is not funny in it´s first way in the moment they fail, but which is almost terrible to look at or listen to.

The second rehearsals went pretty well, since each of them got a closer idea of were this piece could go to.
Each of them was excited about the idea of how we can make failure happen in an honest but not played way.Of course we cause the situation of failure to happen, but since I asked for an action were they are passionated about, I have the hope it´ll work.
The funny conclusion of that rehershal is that some of the dancers wanted to practise the music piece at home allready:-)

The reason for recording the music piece the first time they play it, is not only for research in the first way but also I was thinking to use a self made music piece for the choreography.And I´d like it to be connected to the failure topic as much as possible.
I am intersted in the possibillity that this music piece in its first hearing is ugly and maybe unmusical but develope its own beauty in beeing very special.We´ll see!

further thoughts and conclusions

Here are some adapted points of my last blog.

The theroy about "perfectionism" and "failure " I was mentioning in my last blog is seen as a very general and popular knowledge about it. I will see that those still objetive describtions get more subjective for me and the dancers, to not stick with the superficial significations.

To filter my ideas I will come back to each of the ideas and proof their importance for the process.

1. the topic of failure and its relation to following topics:

  • beauty

  • perfection

  • imperfection

  • longing

  • shame

  • revelation

  • risk

Since my piece is going to be about the topic of failure I think for now I can focus on the two for me closest connections of the "perfect" and the "imperfect".

Those two are in a dependence to "failure" for me.

2. The object which defines or represents something perfect for my dancers I will keep in research for getting a better and more realistic view on my dancers view on perfection.

3. The picture of how the structure of my thoughts could look like when I am trying to reach a perfect action or a perfect state I think would work;

either as an active object on stage. Means the dancers could add more and more words, arrows and signs to a paper on the backwall after each new experience they make during the choreographie (which would be arranged before)

  1. as a research material during the process. Means each of the dancers creates their own mind structures during the process, just for the good of document their own ways of handling failure.

  2. goes in one hand with point 2. . Work with their own mind structure for the good of using them to give each of them a specific "character" or more clear view on stage depending on their records.

4. The shoe idea.I decided to really let my dancers dance in shoes for the mentioned reasons. (See post " more thoughts about last rehershals")

5.The idea to let my dancers really go through failure during the process of the piece as well as on stage, so that the piece can be honest and talk for itself.

To realise that idea I have three possibilities where I could use some input of you guys:

  1. I can make the choreographie as hard as possible and with not so much rehershals,so that they have to fail

  2. I can change the choreographie from time to time a bit to make it challenging everytime

  3. I can make them do something on stage they can honestly say they are actually bad in


6. Than I also mentioned that I´d like my dancers to actually say something on stage about their own relation to reach for the perfect.Either while they are actually failing (in a choreographie) or in the beginning, but more in form of little extracts of their thoughts. I came to the conclusion to stay with that idea and work with it later on .

Samstag, 19. September 2009

More thoughts about last rehearsals

Some thoughts about ideas I got after the first rehearsals.

When I think about perfectionism I have a picture in my head about how my brain is working in that moment of trying not to fail.My brain in the action of trying to reach something impossible. Trying to calculate chances and the steady weighing of the components.
It could look like this:

I´ll see were this idea gets me during the process.

Another thing I was thinking about is, that I want my dancers to dance in shoes.
A shoe represents for me something casual, something everybody has, it is at least in our culture something very self- evident.So as the try of the perfect or the hidding of failure.I believe everybody is trying one of each.Also cause of our society is educating us that way.
So for me a shoe is something which gives a person a first visual connection/ similarity to themselfs.Which I am trying to reach so that the audience is also open to, look for more commonality or, identification.

I was also thinking of how important it is for me that my dancers really go through failure during the process of the piece as well as on stage, so that the piece can be honest and talk for itself.
For that I have to possibilities:

  1. I can make the choreographie as hard as possible and with not so much rehershals,so that they have to fail

  2. I can change the choreographie from time to time a bit to make it challenging everytime

  3. I can make them do something on stage they can honestly say they are actually bad in

Concerning their objects which represent something perfect for them, I had the idea of actually let them say something on stage about their own relation to reach for the perfect.Either while they are actually failing (in a choreographie) or in the beginning, but more in form of little extracts of their thoughts.

Well, so far to my processing the first rehearsals.

And already now I am asking myself if this piece is maybe too much about myself processing my own problems.

Thats´s it for today...

Donnerstag, 17. September 2009

1. Rehearsals

The first rehearsal started with a little introduction about what my piece is going to be about.
For the main topic of failure I wanted to start with the definition of the words "perfect" and "imperfect". Since for me they have a close connection cause they mutually depend on each other.

  • perfection is, broadly, a state of completeness and flawlessness. The word "perfection" derives from the Latin "perfectio", and "perfect" — from "perfectus." These expressions in turn come from "perficio" — "to finish", "to bring to an end." "Perfectio(n)" thus literally means "a finishing", and "perfect(us)" — "finished". (Wikipedia)

  • 1. which is complete — which contains all the requisite parts;
    2. which is so good that nothing of the kind could be better;
    3. which has attained its purpose

  • in Aesthetics the ancient Greeks viewed perfection as a requisite for beauty and high art. The Pythagoreans held that perfection was to be found in the right proportions and in a harmonious arrangement of parts. The idea that beauty and art were characterized by perfection, was subsequently embraced by Plato, who believed that art ought to be "apt, suitable, without deviations" — in short, "perfect." (Wikipedia)

  • perfection is also seen as the completion or accomplishment of something, which is not able to be further upgraded.

  • it is the pursuit of the ideal conception

I also read some quotes to them to get a better idea of how far "perfect" goes:

  • There is but one true good for a spiritual being, and this is found in its perfection. Men are slow to see this truth; and yet it is the key to God's providence, and to the mysteries of life. William Ellery Channing, reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895), p. 449.

  • It is a union with a Higher Good by love, that alone is endless perfection. The only sufficient object for man must be something that adds to and perfects his nature, to which he must be united in love; somewhat higher than himself, yea, the highest of all, the Father of spirits. That alone completes a spirit and blesses it, — to love Him, the spring of spirits.
    Archbishop Leighton, reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895), p. 449.

  • That is the true perfection of man to find out his imperfections.
    Augustine of Hippo, reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895), p. 449.

  • Do not aim for perfection for if perfection is attained then what other goal is there.
    Anonymous (possibly Chinese philosopher)

  • Know that even the greatest of men fail, but hard work and determination will earn one perfection.
    Filipino proverb

Together we discoverd following about "the perfect":

  • it´ll always bring me dissapointment
  • it paralyses me
  • new experiences don´t have space
  • no relaxation, constant exhaustion
  • it is focused on the weakness not on the strength
  • doesn´t allow development
  • it can destroy all selfconfidence, dry out emotions an isolate you in longer terms
  • failure is preassigned, cause of the reach of something unreachable

I also asked everybody to bring an object which defines or represents perfection for them and then to write down what exactly makes it perfect for them personally.

First Object: Babyshoe
From: Mareike

Her thoughts:

Second Object: pictures of Models
From: Mirjam

Her thoughts:

Third Object: wooden figure
From: Sarah

Her thoughts:

Then we started having a look at the "imperfect".
Herefore I read a little text to them:
The imperfect
learning your whole life to be perfect.Perfect define as the beautiful.The perfection to survive your own imperfection.
What is it about the boredom of the perfect.How can be failure be beautiful?
Is the connection through failure, cause of an identification with each other, more worthed than my own ego?
How can I define beauty for myself and be responible for it.
Letting go of the tension, trying hard.
Why do we chase the beauty?
Don´t we all in end want to see it?Just so that we know everything is fine.Doesn´t it all give us a feeling of something we´re all missing.Why not following the call for something we all want to have and be?
The moment I fail, there will always be people who despise me for that. Failure starts to work as an certification of immaturity, laziness and undiscipline.
Saying no to all the things the world is trying so hard to reach for.
Break it.The beauty of the broken.What is there to be ashamed of.There will always be those who appreciate and those who don´t.Why do we care so much about our credit?
Don´t we perform all the time?
I believe in the beauty of the purity of the human beeing, the pure unhidden me and you.
Failure is just an expression of honesty, pretending to be perfect always open for the doesn´t mean perfect.

Together we discovered following about the "imperfect":
  • the realisation of the nonexistence of the perfect
  • Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes
  • failure is the actuall victory

At the end of our first rehershals I came to the conclusion, that the topic of failure is close by the following topics:

  • beauty
  • perfection
  • imperfection
  • longing
  • shame
  • revelation
  • risk

Dienstag, 15. September 2009

A Piece About Failure

Here I am going to comment on my rehershals and post all the material we work on.

You also have room to comment and suggest on everything.

Enjoy the process...